5 sent
of wars
doesnТt kill people, people kill people.
Wars are
nature of people.
technical achievements we have appear thanks to wars.
Wars are
trouble but a lot of people make by them money.
told a lot but in the same time people are dieing.
And God created the species and created men
Trifsik G.
Е.And God created
the species and created man. And looked him and said Уhe is goodФ but he was
alone and God created woman to help him. [But when He saw her, He said to make
her up :-)]
This is
fundamental statement. A woman doesnТt resemble man. It is obvious. She isnТt
better man and isnТt worse him. All questions about it are popularization and political
A man and a
woman are a single whole. Every one is here to solve different problem. To
compare them is impossible. All chats about women rights arenТt legitimate.
world opens infinity opportunity for women. Technical achievements make it easy
and fun. Women in modern world can do a lot of thing, may be better that men
but there is only one thing that men canТt do. It is a very fundamental thing.
Men canТt save domestic atmosphere without women help. It doesnТt mean that
women need to cook, to do wash up and to look after children without working
and self-actualization. But every one must realize if women will left home and
will take part in all social life all nation
will in big trouble. We will have badly brought up children and social antagonisms
will increase. We already have a lot of social antagonisms and it is going to
be worse.
Every part must to be in right place and
do right things. We always can look at the experience of these social changes.
We need to discuss the problems together, to solve it and no to combat.
As for me, I think men have to understand
what nowadays women look for, and women have to realize that no one can live
without another.аа
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Dear Ser or
We want to
rent a small video camera that produces a professional quality image for one
month. We want to enquiring if you rent machines and what your prices.
I look
forward to hear from you
Bush's Victory
In the end,
AmericaТs presidential election closed with a George BushСs victory and the
scope of the RepublicanТs victory for both the USA and the world should not be
ааа Kerry recognized his defeat before hand.
ааа Bush won the election despite of KerryТs
victory in exit polls.
ааа BushТs victory gave his party more
comfortable position in congress.
ааа The first victory was accidental but the
second one is much more impressive.
ааа After all, Bush has in a sense been here
ааа Bush has many problems and the most
important aim is to unite the nation.
ааа Bush must lead the country out of the
economic crisis.
Can wars be justified
wars be justified?
We can
speak as long as we want but we will never stop wars. It is nature of people.
As said one of the famous actors Уnot weapon kill people, people kill peopleФ,
he was killed in that film, by the way.
Probably it
is possible to live without wars but it is not interesting. In fact all
technical and medical achievements that we have all are thanks to wars. Actually we would not do a step without of danger,
and the war is the hugest danger.
What about
war is big trouble for peoples and countries but it inherent part of people
Comparison of lives of John Smith and Radger
Comparison of lives of John Smith and
Rodgerаааааа аа(work, leisure, home and family)
people are both from
а John works in an office in
а After work John relaxes in front of the TV or
watches a video. He goes for a walk with his pet every day. At weekends he goes
to see shows, meets friends in a local pub for a drink or eats in restaurants.
He usually goes o holidays abroad.
аа After work Rodger cooks eveningТs food for
him and his girlfriend. He collects old radios so in free time he mends them.
At weekends they go to different seals.ааааа
а John owns a comfortable detached house near
а John has a wife and two children. Rodger
lives with girlfriend,
have any children.
Dear Elena
Dear Elena
I am
learning English and have some problems with it. I would like you to help me if
you could. I would like to repeat few subjects like verbs with УingФ, modal verbs and sentences with ifа
I hope you
will find time to explain these subjects to me. I am looking forward to see you
thank you
Why drugs
such as nicotine and alcohol are legal?
Drugs are very old problem of our society. We
have a lot of bad habits; our children start smoking very quickly. Many people
have problems with drugs. Nowadays market is full of different sorts of drugs.
However struggle that all governments have with drugs it is not success.
ааааааааааа My own opinion, it unsuccessful is
money.а I believe that if government
wants anything it can do it. I do not see any reason to be unsuccessful in this
war. Of course there are a lot of difficult decisions. It is a very hard work
to save and control these parts of people lives. If you think how much money
businessmen pay every year to politicians and government workers such police
and custom-house bosses you will be crazy. Billons of dollars are spent every
year only for bribes. It seems imposable but it is true. Resent survey has
shown that all countries which have problems with criminal reason for it is
ааааааааааа What about bad habits such alcohol
and nicotine I think taxes so height that government can not make them illegal.
A lot of people do not want to give up their bad habits and government can not
ban it because it legal for a long time.
ааааааааааа However, all these hardship society
has been giving up it slowly last time. Nowadays you can see notices УNO
SMOKINGФ in all public plaices, plans and trains.
ааааааааааа But I think we could decide these problems only after each person to do decision for himself to give up bad habits.
Good Manners
Good manners
itТs easy to travel to all over the world. We live in global village. But we
have different customs and manners. If you want to be success in business you
have to know your foreign friendТs manners.
knowledge will give you a lot of information about your friends and you can
understand them better.
аа The Japanese donТt shake hands. If you donТt
know it you can think that they are unfriendly but it isnТt true. They are your
friends but their manners donТt similar to your one.
а The British are happy to have a business
lunch but the Japanese prefer not to discuss business matters during the meal.
The Germans like to talk business before dinner but the French like to eat
а The Americans find it difficult to accept the
more formal Japanese manners.
Good manners are very important things in business everywhere
Hold the front page translate
Trifsik G.
Hold the front page
1. The editor holds the first editorial
conference of the day at
2. The main subject of the
day is succeeded transplant surgery operation on babyТs heart keeping alive on
with an artificial heart. The operation was made by famous surgeon. The journalist tries to hold of the
surgeon and to find out the technique he is using, how complicated it was and
how the baby is now. The journalist applies for information to press office.
But there he doesnТt have information he is directed to press conference
(release). Then he tries impromptu to link with cardiac transplant and to speak
to babyТs parents. But the ward sister directs him to press office too.а There is the surgeon who shows the x-ray
pictures of babyТs thorax. At first his own big heart and then man made device
that kept baby alive without his heart and then donorТs heart. At any rate it
is superseded information it is exact information. No one will accuse
journalists of truth distortion.
3. Thematic article is about world cup
and reverend who settled down to watch it in his church. It is hard to fancy
and it can seems silly. Reverend is sure that it is the way to connects
Christian faith and peopleТs interests with.
4. Full steam ahead! With time
approaching the articles are editing. Supplements are collecting and going to
printing press.
Life in monastery camperison
Life in monastery camperison.
аа Life in monastery isnТt very exciting.
People devote there their lives to solitude and prayer. All of them arenТt
married and live all their time in the monastery. They spent 95% of their time
alone. They donТt speak to anyone for a long time. But there are good things
аа People think about life, God, earth and
mankind. They study philosophy and secret know legers. They know many different
things. Ordinary people have exciting and fast life. They need to think about
money, family, friends; houses, cars and they donТt have time and power to
think about high things and philosophy.
Little red riding hood
Trifsik G.
red riding hood
Once upon a
time there was little red riding hood. She was little pretty girl and tried to
listen to her mother. Once her mother asked her to go through
the forest and to bring some cakes to her granny.а She had to admit that she didnТt want to go
but mother asked so she went. She went through the forest as she went on a
business trip. But she didnТt take for granted wolf. He felt relief when he saw
where Hood was going. He focused on his work and ran to the granny house.
Believe it
or not but he ate the granny and leaped into her bed waiting the Hood. The hood
when she was near the house felt something wrong. She plucked up courage and
entered to the house. When she came in she made an excuse and asked thousands
of questions. Wolf was in panic and didnТt know what to do. She hidden her
disappointment about situation that she was. She thought that wolf was more tactful
and at least offered her cup of coffee. She brought the cake by the way. But
wolf thought only to eat her as he did with granny as well. Hood was little but
she understood what the wolf wanted. She ran to woodcutters and begged them to
help her. Woodcutters came killed the wolf and rescue the granny. The hood had
to give them cakes she brought but she decided to eat herself because she
worked hard.
My ideas of happiness
My ideas of happiness. What is it?
аа I think that mankind can be happy now and
they donТt need anything for it. What does a person need for happiness?
Anything!!! If you think about these simple things you can understand that you
donТt need anything for it.
а If you can breathe and you are healthy you
are happy. IsnТtа it?
After that, you need many things. Women and children,а who you love and of course money.
Money isnТt most important thing but it helps you to do many different things.
But the joy is mild compared with the joy of health. Health is impotent in
peopleТs life. If you and your family are healthy you are the happiest person.
Sister Wendy
Sister WendyТs life.
Wendy is a nun. She lives in a caravan in the grounds of Carmelite monastery in
The automobile has brought more harm than good
to the planet
Trifsik G.
The automobile has brought more harm than good to the planet
The modern world can not exist without cars and
oil. We use cars everywhere. For example we can not produce the agriculture
product; we can not transport a thing from one part of the world to other
without cars, even from one part of country to another one. The car is very
useful gadget that human invent. But as usual it has an underside. The cars
brought a lot of accident. Thousands of people die every year in car accidents
in the world. Bat the most disaster thing that has brought cars to the modern
world is the global pollution. The global pollution is a global problem.
Mankind must oppose to this trouble together. The Greens all round the world
try to protect nature. They try to discuss and to prove that there is a problem
and they want to find the solution to this problem. We can try to do what we
want but we can not change anything. Progress and science bring not only good
but harm ether. Car is one of those things. The global warning leaded to the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is
unquestionably real and helps to regulate the temperature of our planet. It is
essential for life on Earth and is one of Earth's natural processes. It is the
result of heat absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere (called
greenhouse gases because they effectively 'trap' heat in the lower atmosphere)
and re-radiation downward of some of that heat. Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas, followed by carbon dioxide and other trace gases. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth
would be about zero degrees F (
Our activity is leading us to effects.
So, we are in trouble
as usual.
The happiest person in different countries in
the world
The happiest person in different
countries in the world.
think that they need many different things for happiness. Really, it isnТt
true. An average person needs to have some things in his life and he is a
blissfully happy man. There are some of them:
а A person is happy if he has who he loves,
health for him and for his relatives, some money and children of course,
because with none of them life is very boring and isnТt interesting. But in
different countries people have different opinions about happiness. For example
аа In
аа In Russian people work very hard and do not
earn enough money. They work long hours, come home late and go to slip because
they need to get up early in the morning. Often people have more then one job
and work during their holidays and weekends. Their life isnТt good and happy.
But in Russian, there line the happiest people. They drink vodka a lot, every
where and every time at work, at home. They donТt need many things.
In the